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The 3 Unknowing Mistakes That Cost Entrepreneurs Their Lovely Clients

3 mistakes that entrepreneurs make

I know that headline is dramatic, but we’ve got some serious stuff to discuss…

As we set out on our venture to build a business, one of our biggest aims is to get lots of lovely clients, or dream clients if you prefer.

However, a lot of entrepreneurs are making huge mistakes, unknowingly, that are costing them their dream clients.

So here are the mistakes to avoid…

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This is mistake numero uno and surprisingly lots of entrepreneurs make it. They don’t stop to think about who their dream client actual is.

Massive error.

If you don’t know who your dream client is then how are your dream clients supposed to know? They won’t.

Making this mistake leads entrepreneurs to attract all sorts of people to their business, including the people who moan about everything, don’t want to pay, want the world from you, but give nothing in return… AKA the wrong people, the nightmare clients. If you don’t get clear about who you would LOVE to be your client, then you won’t get them as your client.

So before we go any further I have a question for you:

QUESTION: do you know who your dream client is? Could you describe them really succinctly to me? If so, leave a comment below & share who your dream client is :)

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Mistake number 2 is not getting clear about what you want your audience to know, feel and do when they come to your website or interact with you.

Not knowing this piece of the jigsaw puzzle makes is incredibly difficult to communicate effectively and attract your dream clients to you.

Every single word you write needs to be written with the intention of getting your audience to know, feel and do something. Your words are your gateway between you and your dream client, so you have to get good at using them.

Yes, the style of your website/posts matter too, but your words are what’s going to sell your dream client on wanting to build a relationship with you and then become your client.

QUESTION: whenever you write something are you always clear about what you want your audience to know, feel and do?

If you need more help with this step then definitely check out  the Copywriting 101 Masterclass inside the Members’ Club. We collaborated with the amazing Nikki Elledge Brown to create this workbook and guide, and it is ridiculously powerful!

the copy bundle

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Mistake number 3 is that you’re afraid to put your true, authentic self out there. Well you might not be afraid, maybe you just don’t know how to put yourself into your communication, your words, or maybe you feel like you need to be professional or like someone else has told you you should be, rather than how you actually are.

This is a huge mistake, because when you’re not being authentic, your audience will be able to tell. They won’t connect and resonate with you in the same way as when you’re being your marvellous self and therefore you’ll lose out on getting those dream clients.

QUESTION: When you write a new post, page or social media update do you put your whole self into it? 


So there you have it, 3 unknowing mistakes lots of entrepreneurs make, that cost them their dream clients. Have you been making any of them?

If so, do something about it today.

How you communicate and who you communicate with in business determines who’s going to end up being your client, so you’ve got to use your words wisely.

Even though you might not think of yourself as a copywriter, YOU ARE.

I learned a long time ago that getting good at writing is absolutely crucial as an entrepreneur, because you have to be able to convey your beliefs, values, core message – your special thing, to your target audience – and you know all of those things better than anyone else out there, so the words will be more powerful coming from you.

Whether you’re writing your about page, your sales page, a blog post or a social media update, you have to be able to use your words to convey your message in a way that’s going to connect and resonate with your dream client.

So take some time to learn how to get good at it – I promise it’ll be a game changer!

Carrie xx

P.s. Like I mentioned above, you can join us this month in the Members’ Club to learn all about how to attract your dream clients with your words! We’ve teamed up with Nikki Elledge Brown, creator of A Course About Copy and she’s shared some incredibly powerful lessons and strategies.

You can get her powerful guide and workbook, ask her any questions you have on a live class, get her amazing copy checklist + mingle with amazing like-minded women.


I’ve learned so much from Nikki about copy, what she’s created is amazing and I can’t recommend it highly enough. If you have any questions, leave a comment below :)


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