how she did it

Case Studies // Transforming Pain into a Produ...

Transforming Pain into a Productive Power

This story is about…

Female Entrepreneur: MsCookie Hurst

Company: Woman tO Woman (W.O.W)

What she does: She runs a Non-Profit Organization committed to supporting the expansion, growth and nourishment of communities.

Why she started her business: “The death of a mother-figure motivated me to start Woman tO Woman (W.O.W).”

Location: USA

Age range: 30s

What motivated you to start your business?

The death of a mother-figure motivated me to start Woman tO Woman (W.O.W). I had an epiphany that many women share: as many achievements in which we are capable of making today, there was a need to have a support system in place for those who struggle and for those who are growing into womanhood. I decided it was time to take transform my pain into a productive power and build a movement out of it.

Tell us about your business…

Woman tO Woman is a Non-Profit Organization committed to supporting the expansion, growth and nourishment of our communities by partnering with non-profit and community-based organizations to foster awareness for the current and oncoming generations. W.O.W and our partners, are committed to the continued involvement and support of the programs and companies that will shape our future as we strive to enhance the experience of our members and their network. In addition, we wish to provide an outlet for entrepreneurs, survivors, mothers, sisters, daughters, and friends to share their story and spread their wings and fly into their destinies.

What is a day in the life of you like?

A day in my life begins at about 5 am when I get into a fight with my alarm clock. I am constantly on phone conferences from about 6 am MST until I get to my day job. All day I am researching new ways and ideas to connect to people and further the mission, vision, and commitment of Woman tO Woman (W.O.W). It’s literally an 18 hour day! I enjoy every minute especially the time spent connecting in the FB group. I do sleep! (smile)

What have been your biggest challenges so far with running your business?

The biggest challenge I have experienced are the many moving parts necessary to run a Non Profit organization cannot solely rest on one person. This quickly leads to burn out.

How did you overcome these challenges?

I have overcome the challenges by recruiting and staffing an awesome team of Directors and Volunteers.

What have you found to be the most effective way to get new clients?

The most effective way to get new clients to build the network and then develop genuine relationships. It works every time.

What advice would you give to other business owners?

The main advice I would give to business owners is to research and know business terminology and what it means to operate as a Business entity.

How do you keep motivated through difficult times?

The fact that everything happen for a reason and there is a a sweet blessing in every lesson keeps me motivated at difficult times.

What’s your favourite quote?

My absolute favorite quote is a proverb.

“As a man (woman) thinketh so is he (she). It is simple you are who and what you think.”

Who inspires you?

I am inspired by individuals not afraid to pursue their dreams and at the same time not intimidated by hard work.

Do you have a business philosophy?

Woman tO Woman (W.O.W)has a vision to see women and girls Encouraged at all times. Empowered to be and do their best. Embraced in Sisterhood, Friendship, and Business as they pursue dreams and goals.

Get in touch…


Twitter: @1womantowoman

Facebook Fanpage:

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