how she did it

Case Studies // “This is the dream I&#82...

“This is the dream I’ve had since a young teen”

This story is about…

Female entrepreneur: Carrie Miller

Location: USA

Company: Our Home Transitional

Sector: Not for profit organisation

She started her business because: “This is the dream I’ve had since a young teen”

Age range: 40s

Tell us about your business…

Transitional Home for Homeless Female Vets (Phase 1) and those with children (Phase 2)

The plan is to purchase & renovate a large abandoned or foreclosed house and renovate, possibly like the photo of the mansion pictured, for our first transitional home to be known as, OUR HOME. It will be a place where our Female vets come to when they are facing challenges & are in need of a place to call Home.

While here, they will be provided various types of assistance in efforts to transition to civilian life and self sufficiency. As home one is up and running successfully, we will be acquiring several others on the block/area to provide a haven for our family.

Training and assistance programs to be provided by the County and Federal Government will include: Job training/placement, MSW, educational training, and home placement assistance, to name a few.

We also view this as an opportunity to revitalize & beautify the local Flint, MI area, as the ultimate goal is to have several large houses within Genesee County, some urban and others located in a rural setting. We will all work together and partner with other neighbourhood organizations to keep the areas clean, beautiful and safe.

What is a day in the life of you like?

I have 2 part time jobs, go to University of Michigan-Flint part time and raise 2 kids, while taking entrepreneurial classes, doing business pitches and entering in any awards program available to help get this business going as well as attending any vet summits in a 60 mile radius to promote the business.

What have been your biggest challenges so far with running your business?


How did you overcome these challenges?

Things are starting to get off the ground and donors are starting to come to fruition, but it is taking time and it’s hard work.

What have you found to be the most effective way to get new clients?

Online marketing.

What advice would you give to other business owners?

You must have passion and want to do what you do or it will never work.

How do you keep motivated through difficult times?

My kids.

What’s your favourite quote?

“you’re the best mommy”

Who inspires you?

Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, my best friends and my kids.

Do you have a business philosophy?

Work work work and love what you do! Know that I am making a positive difference for my family and the world.

Get in touch…


Twitter: @rvnfthr8

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