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How to Heal Your Nervous System When You Feel Overwhelmed by It All

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Just like nature does, we also go through seasons – in both life and in business. There are times when you feel like you’re on top of the world, and other times when it feels like everything is on top of you

In this episode, I sat down with the incredible Rebecca Campbell to talk about something many of us don’t focus on nearly enough: nervous system healing.

Despite our natural instincts as women to just grin, bear it and push through, there’s a more healing way that we can deal with what Rebecca calls “the dark nights of the soul”.

It might sound like something you can only do in a remote wellness retreat, but it’s actually one of the most accessible and powerful ways to feel grounded, calm, and in control.

In this episode, we talked about: 

  • Why nervous system care is so important when you’re balancing family, business, and everything in between. 
  • How to notice the early signs of burnout before it sneaks up on you.
  • Finding balance between “hustle” and “flow” and why seasons of rest can actually make your business stronger.
  • Quick and easy practices to ground yourself in minutes—from breathwork to quick “hand-on-heart” exercises you can do any time you’re feeling overwhelmed.

Rebecca’s story and insights were such a powerful reminder that when we support ourselves, we can show up stronger, wiser, and more fulfilled. 

This episode is packed with practical advice you can start using straight away – you’re going to love it!

I really hope it inspires you to take a few minutes each day to look after you

If you enjoy this episode, take a screenshot, share it on Instagram, and tag me @iamcarriegreen—I’d love to know what your biggest takeaway was!

If you would like to find out more about Rebecca:

Read her book, Your Soul Had A Dream, Your Life Is It

Check out her website 

Listen to her chants on Spotify

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