The Blog

How To Break Free From The Cycle Of Shiny Object Syndrome

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In this episode I talk about one of the biggest mistakes I see people making when they’re trying to build an online business that’s guaranteed to keep you completely stuck, making no progress and going round in circles. 

It’s the cycle of starting over…

  1. You think of an idea that you’d like to create and sell.
  2. You spend ages creating your offer and you launch it.
  3. You get no quick traction with it and immediately think… “There must be something wrong with this idea. Let me work on this other idea instead”.
  4. You start working on a new idea…and the cycle starts all over again. 

If you’ve ever been stuck in this horrible cycle (or you’re stuck in it right now), I just sat down and recorded a podcast episode that you really need to hear.

In it I’m sharing:

  • The big mistake you might be making right now that’s keeping you stuck in this cycle (and the simple shift that will help you break free and get the momentum and results you dream of).
  • What I did to grow FEA before I had anything to sell (and how it helped me get thousands of members the year I launched my membership). 
  • The 3 core things I would focus on if I was starting from scratch again.  

If you’re feeling stuck and frustrated not getting the results you want in your business, then we’re here to help you make huge progress and achieve success. 

Click below to hop on a consultation call with us, let’s chat through your goals and make a plan together for how we can help you get those business breakthroughs you dream of.

Click here to book a call and chat with us >>

If you would like to submit a question for me to answer on the podcast, all you need to do is share it through this form here >

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