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What To Do When You’re Not Making Money In Your Business

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I recently received a question I really wanted to answer:

“What is the biggest piece of advice you have for someone in year 2 of their business who has made zero dollars so far?”

So many people start businesses and then really struggle to make money. They get a year or 2 down the line, feel like they’re failing, and then give up and never get going again with a business.

I really want to share my story on this and share the things that you can do to set yourself up to create so much success. 

In this episode I’m sharing:

  • What I focused on in the first 2 years of my business (and it wasn’t making money).
  • The money blocks that held me back (and how I overcame them).
  • The one conversation that changed everything for me (and how I made $2000 in 1 hour after that).
  • Powerful questions you need to ask yourself if you aren’t making money in your business yet.
  • The simple processes you need to build in your business to set yourself up to make money.

I hope this episode gets you fired up if you’ve been feeling stuck and gives you lots of ideas of what you could do to start making money.

Here are some free resources for you:

  1. Create your 90-Day Business Success Plan with this free workbook >>
  2. Listen to this Daily Success Visualisation >>

And finally, I would love it so much if you left us a review on Apple podcasts if you enjoyed this episode! 

Simply click here and scroll down to Ratings & Reviews >

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