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How I Timeblock My Days For Productivity And Happiness

Apple Podcasts Spotify Podcasts
As business owners, most of us probably feel like we’re always trying to spin a million different plates.

We try to cram so much into our day-to-day, between our businesses and our personal lives, that life just becomes so overwhelming and draining.

So in this episode I want to walk you through something really simple that can completely change how you approach your days, so that you can be more productive, but also experience more joy.

It’s something I’ve done for years and it always helps me so much.

I’m sharing with you:

  • How to bring more joy, ease and happiness into your life.
  • The process I always go back to whenever my schedule feels overwhelming.
  • The steps I take to plan my days for more productivity and joy.
  • How I keep track of everything so that I can keep improving.
  • How to declutter your mind and your schedule.

I hope this episode inspires you to try this out with me!

And if you need more help with this, check out my book, She Means Business.

Here are some free resources for you:

  1. Create your 90-Day Business Success Plan with this free workbook >>
  2. Listen to this Daily Success Visualisation >>
  3. Create your productive morning routine >>

And finally, I would love it so much if you left us a review on Apple podcasts if you enjoyed this episode!

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