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A Powerful Exercise To Create Your Dream Life

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A lot of us decide to start our own business because we want to live life on our own terms and create the lifestyle of our dreams.  But it’s so easy for us to get carried away just going with the flow and doing things for the sake of it, not really living the life we want to live. 

So in this episode I want to walk you through a powerful exercise to help you get clear on what an amazing life, an amazing week and an amazing day looks like to you. 

I’m sharing:

  • A powerful story that inspired this episode
  • The difference between effective and efficient days (and why you need both in your life)
  • What my ideal week looks like (and why it’s so important to get clear on yours)
  • The goal folder I created when I was a teenager to visualise my dream life

After you listen to this episode, grab a notebook and a pen and let’s work through this powerful exercise together – it’s such a game changer and you’re going to love it.

Free resources:

  1. Create your 90-Day Business Success Plan with this free workbook >>
  2. Listen to this Daily Success Visualisation >>

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