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Top Tips For Creating Lead Magnets That Convert

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When I started my business, there was one thing I knew… if I could build an audience of people who absolutely loved what I was doing and found value in it, then I could make it a success. And while I now have an email list of over 150000, I started out like everyone else does… with ZERO! 

Building my email list has been one of the best things I’ve ever done for my business. Here’s why it’s so powerful:

  • It creates so much visibility for your business
  • It gets you in front of your audience every single week, sharing valuable content and starting conversations
  • Unlike social media, you own your email list!

So in this episode, I’m sharing with you:

  • The timeline of my email list growth from zero to 150,000 subscribers (when, how many and why)
  • The 3 most effective lead magnets we’ve ever used (including one that generated over 51,000 new subscribers!)
  • 3 tips to make sure people actually use your freebie (rather than downloading it and letting it gather digital dust)
  • Why we recently removed 75,000 emails from our list 
  • How to market your freebies to increase your visibility, build your list and grow your business

I’m also sharing my top tips for creating your own lead magnet, including:

  • Make it insanely valuable for your audience  — help them overcome a challenge or learn something about themselves
  • Make it relevant to your audience and their pain points
  • Make sure it’s aligned with your audience’s needs and your business goals
  • Keep it short and value-packed (give them a quick win!)
  • Think about the impact you want it to have on your audience
  • Make it super high quality (or they won’t stick around!)

There is no magic bullet or secret formula to this, and I know how frustrating it can be at the beginning. But if you stick with it, show up consistently and share content that your audience loves, then you’ll start to see some amazing results!

I hope this episode inspires you and gets you all fired up about growing your email list… it’s one of the most powerful things you can do for your business!

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