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12 Steps To Turn Your Idea Into Income

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We so often underestimate what we can achieve in a short space of time, but if you took your goals for the year and pushed yourself to achieve them in a few weeks, you would be amazed at how much you can achieve!

If you have an idea to create a course, a membership site or a digital product – you can create so much success in just 12 weeks.

12 weeks is the perfect period of time to stay really focused on one idea and it’s enough time to create something amazing.

So if you wanted to take an idea and get it out into the world in a 12-week period, what would that look like?

In this episode, I want to walk you through my 12-step process to take your ideas and turn them into income.

When you’ve gone through this process once, and you’ve proven to yourself that you know how to create and launch a course, membership site or a digital product – then there’s no limit to how much you can create after that!


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