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Find Your Purpose And Overcome Fear And Perfectionism with Cathy Heller

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So many of us have amazing ideas but hold ourselves back from ever doing anything about them. We’re scared we’re not good enough, that it’s not the perfect idea, that people will judge us for it or that we will fail. 

We hold ourselves back and wait until we feel ready, until everything is perfect and we have the confidence to go for it.

We doubt ourselves, question ourselves and keep playing small, never discovering what our true purpose is and how much is truly possible for each and every one of us.

If you’ve been teetering on the edge of going for it, and you just need to know that it’s the right thing to do, then you’re going to love this episode I have for you with the incredible Cathy Heller!

In this episode Cathy and I talk about so many things:

  • Why the “perfect idea” doesn’t exist and what to do instead.
  • How to overcome your negative thoughts, limiting beliefs and fears so that you can pursue your purpose and impact other people’s lives.
  • How to build a successful membership that brings people together and creates amazing value.
  • Why so many of us stay stuck in the same routines and why we all need to let ourselves break free.
  • Why becoming a millionaire is easier than working a 9-5 and earning a salary.
  • How your unique message is the key to growing the right audience.
  • Why confidence is a lie and what you need instead.
  • How to attract more abundance into your life and surrender even if you don’t have it all figured out.

I hope this episode inspires you to take the first (or next!) step on your journey and remember that if you want more help to build a wildly successful business – we’re here for you every step of the way!

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If you would love to connect with Cathy, make sure you find her on Instagram @cathy.heller 

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