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Get Unstuck And Allow What You Want To Finally Flow

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If you ever feel like things around you are out of control while you feel heavy and stuck, unable to do anything about it, this episode is going to be a game changer for you!

Entrepreneurship is a rollercoaster, with so many ups and downs that are out of our control – but something we do have control over are the thoughts and feelings that we choose to make ourselves available for.

When we get intentional about the way we want to feel, everything changes!

And the best part is that you don’t have to wait to feel the way you want to, so in this episode I chat to you about:

  1. Why getting intentional about your feelings is a huge (and underrated) key to creating success.
  2. The realisation I had in 2011 that completely changed the way I lived my life (and the success I was experiencing).
  3. 4 simple but powerful steps to help you put this into practice, get unstuck and feel ready to allow abundance and success to flow into your life. 

I’m also setting you a really fun challenge in this episode, so why not grab a friend (in real life or online!), have a watch party and take this challenge together?

Once you do, share your chosen feeling with us! 

What are you going to focus on feeling over the next 30 days? Let us know that you watched this episode and share your chosen feeling with us on Instagram Stories! Make sure you tag us @femaleentrepreneurassociation and you’ll be entered into our amazing weekly giveaway for Carrie & Co goodies or a copy of my book, She Means Business!

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