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How To Find The Courage To Live Your Best Life

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I’m so excited to share this episode of the She Means Business Show with you because I’m joined by the amazing Andrea McLean! 

If you’re in the UK, you’ll have seen Andrea on TV as part of the Loose Women panel as well as many other shows. 

She has achieved incredible things in her life and has written 3 amazing books. In this episode we chat about her latest book, This Girl Is On Fire, which is all about finding the courage to live your happiest, best life.

In this chat, Andrea and I talk about: 

  • Why we all need to do what it takes to thrive rather than settling on simply existing. 
  • Those pivot moments in our lives and how Andrea’s pivot moment involved jumping out of a helicopter! 
  • Andrea’s experience with trauma and anxiety and how that helped her re-evaluate what she really wanted to do with her life.
  • How to align yourself with what brings you joy so that you can experience happiness now, rather than in the future. 
  • Finding the courage to overcome fear, putting yourself and your business out there and charging for the value you offer.

Andrea shares so many amazing insights and inspiring stories that I know you’re absolutely going to love this episode!

After you’ve listened in, drop me a comment below and let me know if you’ve had that pivot moment in your life and what it looked like for you!

Andrea’s got a brand new book out called This Girl Is On Fire. It’s absolutely amazing and for anyone who wants to live their best life, so definitely check it out. It’s available in bookstores & on Amazon.

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