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3 Tips For Creating Success By Being Authentically You

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“There’s no such thing as a unique message, only unique messengers.”

I heard the amazing Jadah Sellner say this quote in a masterclass she created for our Members’ Club a few months ago and it really stuck with me.

As business owners, entrepreneurs and people with lots of big ideas that we want to turn into successful businesses – we are in fact messengers.

Our stories, personalities and experiences make us who we truly are and shape our unique message.

But so often we feel like we need to emulate successful people we admire, or that we’re not “interesting enough” to be ourselves.

So we end up listening to everyone else’s ideas and putting messages out there that are generic, inauthentic and really don’t connect with our audiences.

And then our message doesn’t convert into sales, customers and raving fans. #sofrustrating

I know this is something so many entrepreneurs struggle with, so in this episode I share with you:

  • My own struggle with being myself when I first started FEA (and how I felt like I had to be serious and professional… which really didn’t fit my personality!).
  • How I discovered who I wanted to be to my audience and found my authentic voice.
  • Why it’s so important to make business decisions based on your own intuition (rather than always following everyone else’s ideas, advice and style).
  • My 3 best tips to help you get back to who you truly are if you’ve been feeling a little lost.

I hope this episode helps you to see that the more we can embrace who we truly are and the more we can infuse that into our business, the more success we can create.

Let me know if you enjoyed this episode and definitely share your biggest takeaway in the comments below.

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