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How To Create A Goal Folder Full Of Your Dreams

My dad always used to tell me growing up, “decide what you want and write it down”, so as a teenager I created a Goal Folder.

A few years back I came across this folder again and it was amazing going through it and seeing that I’ve managed to create so much of what I used to dream about when I was young. 

My Goal Folder included pictures of the car I liked, the house I wanted and the holiday home I dreamed of. I also put a bank statement in there which originally said £136, but I changed it to look as though it said £136,797,250! 

I even added a little bottle of perfume of how I wanted my life to smell like when I was successful. I would take it out of the folder, have a sniff and imagine what success smelled like! I would envision the feeling of success, and for me it was this idea of feeling happy and content, living my best life and living big. 

Putting together your Goal Folder is about allowing yourself to dream really big and to get excited about the things you want. This is a really fun activity to do if you have kids or teenagers – it’s a great way to get them to start thinking about what they want to make happen in their life and to have fun with it! 

Personally, looking back on this from when I was a teenager, it’s just amazing that at such a young age I began to dream big and was thinking about what I wanted to create, what I wanted my life to be like, what success would feel like. 

My dad’s guidance helped me to see that if I wanted to create success, it was on me and that I had to get really clear on what it was that I wanted.

To this day,  I still do this from time to time for my personal life and for business! It’s so much fun, but it’s also incredibly powerful. And whilst it’s about dreaming big, using images and gathering fun props, it’s also about getting really intentional about creating success rather than just going down a random path in life, not quite sure where you’re trying to get to. 

I always repeat this like a broken record, but success isn’t an accident, it’s something we create on purpose, so even if you do something simple like creating your own Goal Folder, it forces you to get clear on what your dreams actually are and what it is that you’re trying to create. 

If you’re excited to create something similar for yourself, here’s a few tips I would recommend:

  1. Have a dreaming day and give yourself time and space to connect with yourself and your thoughts. Make sure you sit in an inspiring environment and just take time to think about what you want to make happen in your life and in your business, how you want to feel. Connect with those feelings and give yourself permission to dream really big and to do it without editing. There’s nothing “unrealistic” or “out of reach” when you’re doing this. You only live once, so if you want to create your dream lifestyle, you need to stop the self-limitation. 
  2. Ease your way into this, so take some time to explore your thoughts and journal your feelings before you get started on your Goal Folder. Once you have some clarity and ideas, start writing down the things you want. Use visuals, images and even fun props! Maybe it’s a dream house or car you’re after or perhaps a magazine or TV show you want to be featured in. Maybe you want to write a book and have it published by your dream publishers. Whatever your dreams, think about the things you want in your life and business and use images or props that represent each idea.
  3. Create an energy of success around your Goal Folder, even if that means getting clear on small details, like what success smells like to you! Every time you come to that Goal Folder, you want to feel like you connect with it so deeply and that everything in there is already on its way to you. Build an unshakeable amount of trust that whatever is in there will manifest itself into your life. 
  4. Keep coming back to your Goal Golder and adding to it regularly to remind yourself of the things you want to achieve and the kind of life you want to live, so that you can create success with so much more intention. 

We all have the power to take the time to get clear on where we’re going and what it is that we’re trying to achieve, and you can make this such a fun exercise with no limits on your thoughts!  Try it out for yourself and let me know how you get on with it in the comments below!

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