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Setting effective goals was one of the first things I focused on when I first started my business. In this video I share the exact goal-setting process I use to turn my crazy jumble of thoughts in those early days into a seven-figure business with hundreds of thousands of raving fans. + Free printable to help you create your 90 day business success plan.

When you’re just starting out on your entrepreneurial journey, you’re all fired up with dreams and ideas buzzing around your head of where you could get to and everything you could achieve.

Fast forward a few months down the line, and so many aspiring entrepreneurs seem to lose sight of what that big vision was and the drive begins to die out.

So often this is because many of us fail to address a fundamental practice of being a successful entrepreneur: setting effective goals in alignment with the big business vision.

Setting effective goals is like deciding on a final destination and mapping your journey there. Without this, you end up wasting time and going around in circles, frustrated as to why you’re moving and yet you feel so stuck.

Setting effective goals was one of the first things I focused on when I first started FEA. I’ve followed that process ever since and it’s helped me turn my crazy jumble of thoughts in those early days into a seven-figure business with hundreds of thousands of raving fans. In this video I share the exact goal-setting process I use:

Get your free workbook to help you create an effective business success plan for the next 90 days. Download it here>>>


Here’s the simple yet incredibly powerful process I use for setting goals that are aligned with my vision and help me stay on track:

Stretch your imagination and think about what you want your business to look like in 10 years’ time. It might seem far away, but you need to know where you’re ultimately heading! What will you be doing? How much revenue will you be making? How many people will you have working for you? What will things look like day-to-day? Try and get as clear as you can…

Now that you have clarity around your 10 year vision, take time to think about where you want your business to be 3 years from now. What does it look like? Where do you want to be? Have fun thinking about this and write it all down…

Finally, let’s look at where you want your business to be in 12 months from now… what does it look like? What have you achieved? Where are you at? Get as clear as you can about what you want and write it down…

Next, take that and turn it into a plan for the next 90 days. I like to call these my “Quarterly Rocks”. What would you love to have achieved by the end of it? Be realistic and laser focused. Don’t try and cram everything in – it’s a recipe for getting stuck and not making the progress you want. Base your 90-day plan off of your bigger vision, so think about the next 12 months and what you want to achieve and ask yourself, “What do I need to do to get there? What do I need to grow?”

When you’ve set your big quarterly rocks, break them down further so that you know what you need to focus on and do on a day-to-day and week-to-week basis. Just break everything down into “doable” steps so that you know what actions you need to take that are completely in alignment with the vision of where you’re going.

If you’re ready to put all this into practice, download the free workbook that goes along with this create your 90-day business success plan. Where could you be 3 months from today? Make a plan and find out! You can download it here>>>

I’d love to know your experience goal setting. Do you set goals? Do you feel they are guiding you effectively and helping you make the progress you’d like? Let us know in the comments below!


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