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Don’t let excuses hold you back from your success + free printable

Working with thousands of entrepreneurs over the past years I’ve realised that many who fail often don’t fail because their ideas are bad or they are not good enough - it’s down to the excuses they make up for themselves, which hold them back from going for their dreams.

Working with thousands of entrepreneurs over the past years I’ve realised that many who fail often don’t fail because their ideas are bad or they are not good enough – it’s down to the excuses they make up for themselves, which hold them back from going for their dreams.

As entrepreneurs, we’re constantly pushed to take leaps of our comfort zone, but as humans we’re wired to fear the unknown. We feel scared and stuck, and we start coming up with excuses as to why we can’t go for it. Whether it’s lack of time, money, resources or ability, excuses are the ultimate dream killers!

The secret is to understand that this is simply a mindset issue, and more often than not, they are not valid enough to actually stop you from achieving your objectives. You simply need to overcome this block with clarity, conviction and commitment to taking 100% responsibility for your dreams.

In this video I share more on taking 100% responsibility for your dreams, getting over the fear and excuses and taking charge to make it all happen. These strategies have worked wonders for me and I’m sure they can help you too!

So if you’re ready to start taking responsibility to drive your life and business in the direction you want it to go, here’s 3 issues you need to address:

Stop the excuses!

They’re certainly not making anything easier or helping you make any progress. Most successful entrepreneurs have been exactly where you are and faced the same challenges you’re facing. Make a list of the excuses you think are holding you back and find a way to approach them differently. Even small changes in the way you’re doing things can lead to big results.  

Get clear on what you want

Gaining clarity around your goals and objectives will make it easier to find a way to get there. Understand and outline exactly what it is you’re trying to achieve and then give yourself permission to actually do what it takes to get there! Once you’ve set your excuses aside, the path becomes slowly clearer and easier.

Kill that limiting belief 

Stretch the limits of what you think is possible. More often than not the biggest obstacle in your way is mindset. So many of us hold ourselves back because we don’t think we’re capable. If you’re really clear on what you want to build and you’re taking responsibility,  you can find a way around even the biggest challenges. A simple attitude change can work wonders to help you find a way to make it possible.

To go along with this video we’ve created a free printable to help you put these strategies to work. You can download it here >> 

Do you feel like excuses are holding you back from achieving your dreams? What excuses come up most frequently? How do you move past them? Let us know in the comments below!

Carrie xx


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