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The Most Successful People Keep Going When They Lose Their Motivation

I made this video to tell you that the only difference between them and those who don’t find success is knowing that motivation is a discipline, not a feeling that will magically appear inside of you.

As an entrepreneur, you may find that some days it’s hard to get out of bed, nothing seems more dreadful than having to start up all over again, just as you did the day before.

You might look at successful entrepreneurs, athletes, or musicians, and think how are they staying motivated?

How do they get up out of bed every day to work hard, train, or practice?

I made this video to tell you that the only difference between them and those who don’t find success is knowing that motivation is a discipline, not a feeling that will magically appear inside of you.

The desire for the end goal must overpower any fear of failure or urge to give up.

If you enjoyed this video let me know in the comments!

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