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How to Get Your First 1000 Email Subscribers

In this video, I break down my top four ways to build your email list to 1000 people. And although 1000 people may sound like a lot when you're starting out, it isn't that much in the grand scheme of things. With the four steps in this video, you'll be surprised at how quickly you can build your email list.

Building your email list is one of the most important things you can do in your business. It is literally the foundation of your entire business. If there is one thing I would focus on when starting my business from zero is would be my email list. When you grow your email list you are growing a business asset you can use to get instant views on your content, videos, products, launches and more!

In this video, I break down my top four ways to build your email list to 1000 people. And although 1000 people may sound like a lot when you’re starting out, it isn’t that much in the grand scheme of things. With the four steps in this video, you’ll be surprised at how quickly you can build your email list.


Facebook ads have been one of the biggest ways that I have built my email list. It doesn’t have to cost a fortune if you do it right. Once people are on your list you can build a relationship with them that leads to being able to offer your products and services. Create an incredible, beautiful graphic that will resonate with your audience and brand and keep the description simple and short. Opt in here to get access to see one our top performing Facebook ads. >>


Creating content (such as a blog post, podcast, video) around your freebie is a powerful way to warm people up so that they’re more inclined to sign up for it.  For example, if you put together an amazing checklist, then create a video or blog post telling people why your freebie is amazing and what kind of transformation they will have if they sign up for it and use it.


Place calls to actions for people to sign up for your freebie all over your website – the side bar, the top banner, and as a pop-up. Pop-ups work incredibly well! Also, you can add a call-to action at the end of your blog post letting people know that they can sign up for something that can help them take your tips and advice a step further. Basically if people are coming to your website, you don’t want them to leave without seeing your freebie and signing up for it if they’re interested. :)


Facebook groups are so powerful because you can build a like-minded community of people who love what you’re business is all about. When offering a freebie to your Facebook group, take the opportunity to warm them up first – let them know about whatever amazing freebie you have coming so that when you release it, they’ll be more excited to sign up for it. Encourage them to share it with their friends – even if you’re giving away something as simple as a workbook, people can fill it out as a group.

Don’t be one of those people who creates a freebie and then doesn’t tell anyone about it. I’m giving you access to a paid traning Bryan Harris talks about how to build an upside down home page in order to build your email list. This is a paid training inside the Members’ Club, but we are giving it to you for free!

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