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Motivation Monday: Breathe life into your dreams with this one question…

We have the power to turn how we look at ourselves, our work and our world completely around by asking better questions. Today’s video clip from a talk by Jim Rohn shows us how pondering the right questions in the right way can fuel a life of brilliant achievements.

We are entrepreneurs and every day, in addition to everything else that comes along with life, we are going above and beyond – we are reading the books, listening to the podcasts, watching the videos, taking the actions, connecting with other people, building an audience, sharing our story… Maybe in the midst of all this, you’ve asked yourself “Why?”

The answer to the question of “Why?” is another question: “Why not?!”

Why not see how much you can do?

Why not see how many books you can read?

Why not see how far you can go?

Why not see how many lives you can change?

Why not you?

Why not now?

This question absolutely fires me up. How about you? What dream has been brewing in your heart waiting for you to get up and declare, “WHY NOT?!” and go for it?

Why not create that course?

Why not book that ticket?

Why not ask that thought leader for an interview?

Why not write that book?

I hope this video motivates you to do something this week that you might have just let sit to the side otherwise. Have an amazing week! You can do this.

MICHELLE ROHR // Secret OWL Society

Michelle enjoys blogging, anything related to personal development, making printables, and being a part of the FEA team.

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