how she did it

Case Studies // How Laurie had a $10K Launch w...

How Laurie had a $10K Launch with Her Brand New Business Helping Moms Find Their Mojo

Laurie helps moms find their mojo. She started her business at the beginning of October of 2015 and with no advertising and no budget and no website and no list launched a 5-day free challenge for moms on Facebook. From there, she ran a 6-week Mama Mojo Course with 19 women and then she launched a 4-month Mastermind course and had a 10K launch on December 30, 2015 (just 3 months after starting her business)!

Laurie helps moms find their mojo. She started her business at the beginning of October of 2015 and with no advertising and no budget and no website and no list launched a 5-day free challenge for moms on Facebook. From there, she ran a 6-week Mama Mojo Course with 19 women and then she launched a 4-month Mastermind course and had a 10K launch on December 30, 2015 (just 3 months after starting her business)!

Laurie Joy // Mama Mojo Movement // Helping Moms // Canada // 40s

What motivated & inspired you to start your business?

I had gone through years of personal growth and change and took my own shit show into my mojo and felt something so profound within that compelled me to share what I knew with other mamas. I am driven to help moms to stop existing and start living. When a mom changes her life, her health, her happiness, and her mindset, it affects everyone else around her. Her children, her partner, her co-workers, her friends, her community, and I am going to change the lives of mamas and make this world better. And so my journey began…

What steps did you take to get things going in the beginning?

I started by business in October of 2015, did a FREE 5-Day Challenge and invited ladies from Facebook groups for moms. It was called “Get Your Mama Mojo On!” I didn’t use ANY advertising, just went into mom Facebook groups and told them what I was doing. I had 185 women in my free Facebook group. I ran the challenge, and then pitched a 6-week beta course to the women from my FREE challenge. I wanted 20 women; I got 19! I ran the 6-week course. It went awesome. I pitched a 4-month Mastermind to ladies from the course and had 5 register (what I wanted) and had a 10K launch on Dec.30th of 2015! I did this all with NO advertising, a FREE Facebook page, PDF’s in Canva, and my videos on Periscope. ALL FREE!

What has been the most effective way of raising awareness of your business and getting new customers?

My business has literally been word of mouth and recommendations from my mamas. I did not start with a solid plan in place. My beta 6-week course, which I practically gave away, grew my business at the beginning.

What challenges have you faced and how did you overcome them?

The biggest struggle was learning all of the new things that go with building your brand on your own. PayPal buttons, Email auto-responder series, sales funnels, Google hangouts, things like that.

Can you tell us about any habits you have/things you do, which set up success every day?

I use a dump list. In a notebook, every night before bed, I write out all the things I have to get done. I dump them from my brain. The next day, I prioritize what has to happen first and second and schedule them into my planner.

What advice would you give to other entrepreneurs?

Don’t wait to make it perfect, just do it! It doesn’t have to have a logo, a website, pretty colours, or loads of followers. Someone, in fact many, is out there waiting for what you have to offer.

When I face a big challenge, I…

pull up my big girl panties, make a solid plan and think about the mamas who I will serve.

The most courageous thing I’ve ever done as an entrepreneur is…

put myself out there. The first time I wrote an invite for other mamas to join me and pressed post. Pure magic.

If I could go back in time to when I started my business I would tell myself…

everything is going to work out just fine. Believe in yourself, the world is waiting for you!

The best piece of advice I’ve ever been given is…

It wasn’t the advice I was given, it was the promotions that I didn’t receive in my j.o.b. It made me what I am today.

My favorite business tool/resource/book/podcast is…

It was Jack Canfield’s Success Principles. It changed my life, which then lead me to changing the lives of other mamas.

My favorite quote is…

“Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life.” -Robin Sharma

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