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From Welfare to 7 Figures: How Anything Is Possible – Kimra Luna [PODCAST]

In this episode of She Means Business, Kimra takes us behind the scenes and shares her inspiring story with us of how she went from being on welfare and trying to raise her two children, to starting her business, which is now Freedom Hackers, and making a million in just over a year of starting!

The one and only Kimra Luna is on the show today and I can’t wait to share her incredible story with you. Founder of Freedom Hackers and Be true brand you, she created a 7 figure business in just over a year while raising 2 children and pregnant with her third. Though she may run her business now from her Manhattan apartment with skyline views, life didn’t always look this way for Kimra. On today’s episode, she shares her humble beginnings, her journey to success and what she credits her unstoppable momentum to.

Back to the Beginning

Kimra has been an entrepreneur since her teenage years, initially promoting concerts and ending up with her own booking agency. Making decent money Kimra enjoyed her work, but little did she know massive change was on it’s way. She found herself pregnant with her first son when the economy crashed and people just weren’t spending money on concerts anymore, leaving her out of work. Kimra and her husband ended up on welfare and with no great job opportunities on the horizon, Kimra went “hardcore” into being a mum.

Kimra kept looking and found small work here and there but nothing seemed to stick. Her husband luckily found a job driving for Fedex which would allow them to get off of welfare, the only catch? They had to move away from their family and across the country from their home in California all the way to Virginia. She didn’t know anyone but found a social circle in online mom focused Facebook groups. Kimra decided to start a blog to share her mom tips and convinced her husband that they should purchase an iMac with that years tax return. Kimra used Google as her initial resource to learn how to blog and drive traffic, and primarily started growing her following on Pinterest.

Great at building communities from the start, a family member asked her how she was growing her traffic so quickly. Explaining to him about Pinterest he asked her to do a training on google hangouts on how to use Pinterest to grow her traffic. Kimra put together a presentation in less than 24 hours and did her first training. Getting emails asking for a course, Kimra created her initial course on Pinterest. After creating it, surprisingly, no one purchased. Her audience at the time were mostly moms that from her blog that weren’t necessarily interested in growing a business or promoting it on Pinterest. The blog became draining as it wasn’t bringing in the income Kimra desire and after having a course that didn’t sell, some people would have just given up. After reading “The Desire Map” by Danielle Laporte, Kimra got clearer than ever on what it was she actually wanted. Her number one goal? Retire her husband so that he could stay home with her and the kids.

Kimra scrapped the entire blog and decided to start teaching what she knew. All of her actions were all based off of shifting the feelings that she no longer wanted to feel in her life to the feelings that she desired. Kimra started growing her list and community with webinars, building on her strengths and had her first $65,000 launch after being in business for 3 months. With a black Friday promo she was able to make an additional $40,000. Pregnant during the time of the launches, this motivated her to keep going, earning her over $800,000 in her first year of business.

The Key Components to Kimra’s Success


Service vs Money

Kimra credits serving her audience vs focusing on money as one of the major key components to her success. She enjoys getting to know her students and being a service driven leader.



Focusing on the value of what she can give has created the confidence Kimra believe it takes to put yourself out there, even when it’s hard.



Kimra believes you can have the best talent in the world but if it doesn’t get you in front of people, you aren’t able to help anyone. She believes that if you want to create moment in your business, you should tell at least 5 people a day what you are doing. This could mean simply reaching out on Facebook and telling someone what you do and asking how you can help them out as you never know who may need your service. Keep connecting, keep connecting, and keep connecting.

What Created the Tipping Point to Success

Kimra invested in Facebook ads early on and free offers to build her community and audience. She also credits hosting webinars as her “jam” and enjoyed doing them in a way where you offer a lot of value but instead of pitching a course, Kimra pitched them to join her free Facebook group. If you focus on providing value to those that already follow you instead of just growing a massive list, your growth will happen organically and with raving fans. Even if your list is only 50 people, Kimra suggests leveraging it. Reach out to them and ask how you can help them. These people will become your ambassadors and will share your information with others, strengthening the relationship.  

What Makes Her Launches and her Business so Successful

Kimra doesn’t necessarily focus on video series or fancy things to promote her courses, even as the industry changes. Instead, she heavily focuses on webinars because she is able to give people direct feedback and enjoys sharing her ability to teach. It’s important that people are able to have clarity in that they are able to learn from you. Doing webinars over and over again in the beginning has made her very good at them and is a simple way for her to serve her audience.
Kimra didn’t sit and dwell in the flops she experienced early on. Starting her business while pregnant did not give her the ability to just be stuck and pushed her to continually move forward.

Resilience has been a muscle she has built “you have to remember how strong you really are” Kimra started studying personal development which created a lot of clarity surrounded her journey and has fuelled her resilience in her business and personal life. Although things may look easy for her on the outside, Kimra had a very hard childhood and experiences PTSD and anxiety. She states that focusing on your strengths is the easiest way to move forward despite what you are going through. Figure out what comes easy to you and focus on that, outsource the items that are not your strengths, making the journey that much easier.

Kimra didn’t sit and dwell in the flops she experienced early on. Starting her business while pregnant did not give her the ability to just be stuck and pushed her to continually move forward.

What has made her unstoppable? Focusing on the “Why”. Kimra continually focuses on the goals of her students and visualizes each of them getting the results that they are looking for. Pouring her energy into seeing that success for them fuels her to keep going and she credits this as the key to her continual and massive growth.

Listen here:

outlineof this episode

  • [1:11] My introduction of my great guest today, Kimra Luna.
  • [2:38] The overview of where Kimra’s business is right now (early 2017).
  • [3:48] How Kimra began her entrepreneurial journey as a teen and built a business online.
  • [12:06] The core pieces that Kimra believes has gotten her to where she is.
  • [15:22] The combination of things that got Kimra in front of people.
  • [20:40] Kimra’s launch process: webinars, webinars, webinars.
  • [23:49] The things Kimra has not expected in her entrepreneurial journey.
  • [27:00] The ability to have a strong mindset and personal resilience.
  • [32:34] Why Kimra has been able to become unstoppable in her journey.

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See you next week for another episode of She Means Business!

Carrie xx

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