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Permission to Dream Big + Checklist

In this episode of She Means Business Inside the Book I want to inspire your to stretch your imagination, to dream big...

Before you get into this post, I’ve created a free Dream Big Checklist for you, to help you dream big :) download it here >>

Roald Dahl once said, “Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it” and it’s so true. When we believe in the magic of the universe, in the magic of our dreams, in the magic of life, the most wonderful things unfold.

The idea of magic has helped me so much along my entrepreneurial journey, because really we are making magic happen. We’re turning our dreams and ideas which are floating around up here in our imagination, into reality – we’re pulling the dreams through ourselves into the world – that’s magical.

But when we forget about the magic of it all, we seize up – we get in our own way, we build a wall around ourselves making it so much more difficult to make what we want happen… we end up listening to that voice inside that says things like:

“Be realistic.”

“Who do you think you are?”

“People like you can’t do things like that.”

However, when we believe in magic, the voices quieten, the wall dissolves, we let go, we allow what we want to flow to us, we have the courage to take the action we need to take.

So in this episode of She Means Business Inside the Book I want to inspire your to stretch your imagination, to dream big…

Download the Dream Big Checklist here >>

Also, for more tools and strategies on dreaming BIG and becoming a wildly successful entrepreneur, pre-order my book She Means Business and get access to some amazing bonuses! Find out more here >> 

the Breakdown



When was the last time I stretched my imagination and allowed myself to really dream big? Am I doing it on a daily basis? Am I expanding my mind?



Do it and create whatever you need to create to make it happen. In the book, She Means Business, I talk about a goal folder I created, where I put a bottle of perfume in there of how I wanted my life to smell when I was successful. I’d get the bottle out and smell it and I’d feel the feelings of success. And I knew it was already mine. So create your own goal folder or vision board.

Just dream big and believe in magic.

I’d love you to get involved in the conversation below – do you allow yourself to dream big? Do you have a goal folder or vision board? Share your experiences and I’ll see you next week for another episode of She Means Business.

Carrie xx

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