The Blog

How to know that you’re succeeding

I don't know about you, but my entrepreneurial journey has felt like a rollercoaster ride. There have been incredible highs, dreadful lows, moments of joy and exhilaration and moments of terror! I often open up about this in my vlog, because I think it's important for us to share our honest, real experiences (so we don't think we're going insane on our own! Ha!).

I don’t know about you, but my entrepreneurial journey has felt like a rollercoaster ride. There have been incredible highs, dreadful lows, moments of joy and exhilaration and moments of terror! I often open up about this in my vlog, because I think it’s important for us to share our honest, real experiences (so we don’t think we’re going insane on our own! Ha!).

One of the most liberating realisations I’ve had about the moments of discomfort is that the discomfort is a really GOOD sign. It means you’re actually on your way to succeeding – you set your goal and decided to go for it. So your discomfort is not the destruction of your goal, it’s part of the birth.

So us entrepreneurs need to make friends with the discomfort, because for as long as we’re dreaming big and daring to go for it, we’ll keep bumping into discomfort.

This is something I talk about in my book, so in this week’s episode of She Means Business Inside the Book, I share a snippet from the book and talk about moving through the discomfort along the entrepreneurial journey.

Enjoy, get inspired and remember to make friends with the discomfort :)


I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic – has your entrepreneurial journey felt like a bit of a rollercoaster ride? Leave a comment below and let’s all talk about it!

See you next week for another episode of Inside the Book!

Carrie xx

P.s. if you want more inspiration, you can order a copy of my book here >>

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