The Blog

Rise Sister Rise


Do you ever feel like the entrepreneurial journey is an emotional rollercoaster? Yeah, me too.

Some days I’m on fire, other days I want to burst out crying.

Throughout my journey I’ve come to realise that everything is cyclical and you have to honour the process and being true to who you are. Someone who I’ve learned a lot about this from is the amazing Rebecca Campbell. She’s the bestselling author of Light is the New Black and her new book Rise Sister Rise.

In this inspiring interview she shares with us some fresh insights on how to tap into your divine feminine to create more ease and flow in your business.

She talks about:

  • How to rise up and succeed in a more feminine way
  • The importance of balancing your feminine and masculine energies
  • How following the natural rhythms of nature and your cycle can create more ease in your life
  • Why you have to first allow what is falling away to fall before you can “rise”
  • A simple exercise for regaining your balance in life when you feel off kilter

Have a watch below.

GIVEAWAY: Also, we’re giving away 3 copies of Rebecca’s new book Rise Sister Rise for your chance to win, leave a comment below and let us know your key takeaway from this interview.  We’ll be drawing the winner this Friday – 9th December.


Get a copy of Rebecca’s new book, Rise Sister Rise here >> 

We’ve recently launched the FEA Book Club and we’re going to be reading Rebecca’s new book.

If you want to join us to read and expand your mind and chat all about it, then sign up here >> 

Every month we’ll have a new book recommendation to help you thrive in business and an online Book Club Party where we’ll share the biggest lessons we learned from the book. It’s going to be fun!

Thank you for being here, keep the faith and know you can achieve wonderful things,

Carrie xx


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