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What personality type are you? Take the test and find out

What personality type are you? Take the test and find out.

At a lunch meeting I was having recently, one of the guys said to the other guy, “She’s definitely a 3”.

I had no idea what he was talking about and so he proceeded to tell me all about the Enneagram test and how people generally tend to fall within one of 9 categories and based on the conversation we’d been having he picked up that I was likely a 3. He started to tell me what a 3 was and everything he said made me want to shout out, “that’s me, that’s me!”.

I was so fascinated by the fact that even though we’d just met, he knew a lot about me, based on the fact that he’d picked up that I was a 3 and knew what the character traits of a 3 are.

So when I got home that evening, I Googled Enneagram Test and answered all the questions… I was a 3 after all.

I read up about 3s and was really fascinated by how much it resonated with me and how much I learned about myself. So I decided to make a video all about it and get everyone involved!

Have a watch below and leave a comment and let me know what number you are and if you learned something about yourself by finding out what number you are! The link to take the free test is below the video…


(This is just the site I found and used, there are lots of them!)

I love learning more about myself and learning how to communicate better with others and this test has definitely helped me, plus it’s fun too! So give it a try if you haven’t already.

the giveaway

Comment to WIN a FREE 6 Month Members’ Club Pass 

One lucky winner will win a FREE 6 Month FEA Membership! This offer is open to current members too :)

To Be Entered to Win: Leave a comment below and let us know what number you are and if you learned anything about yourself by discovering what number you are.

See you next week!

Carrie xx

P.s. If you’re not already a subscriber, sign up below so you don’t miss next week’s video…

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