The Blog

Why I started a Vlog + a compelling reason why you should too!

I think this is one of the scariest posts I’ve ever published, because I’m finally putting my daily vlog out there into the world for real.  If you’ve ever made videos or created a vlog, I’m sure you’ll know exactly how I’m feeling… if you haven’t, then all I can say is just you wait ;-)  Because like it or not, video is taking over!

I think this is one of the scariest posts I’ve ever published, because I’m finally putting my daily vlog out there into the world for real.

(You can check it out here)

If you’ve ever made videos or created a vlog, I’m sure you’ll know exactly how I’m feeling… if you haven’t, then all I can say is just you wait ;-)

Because like it or not, video is taking over!

Back in 2012 I started making weekly videos and for the first time experienced firsthand the power of video. The response I began to get was so much bigger than when I was just writing blog posts. People resonated more (and some probably less!),people cared more, they got what I was saying more, they felt more connected to me and the Female Entrepreneur Association began to thrive a little better for it.

Then this year a series of things happened, which made me realise that I needed to experiment with video even more (despite how uncomfortable it made me feel).

So I set myself a challenge to vlog for 30 days and see where it led me.

Today is day 26…

I’m not an expert, in fact my vlogging skills are still somewhat lacking, but I have learned a lot and the feedback and engagement I’ve had so far has blown my mind.

I have no idea where this will all lead, but for now I’m definitely keeping it up and I made a video to share why.

Have a watch below + all the details about my vlog are below too :)

My vlog is called Carried Away – a play on my name and also because everything I do and talk about is pretty much about getting carried away with entrepreneurship, dreams, ideas, business! It’s completely behind the scenes of FEA and my life in general, it’s totally raw – I don’t hold back and I share exactly how it is (including when I feel low, panicked and angry). I wanted to create something which was a true reflection of how I feel and live my life as an entrepreneur.

I hope you enjoy it, although I promise I won’t be offended if it’s not your cup of tea :)

You can watch my vlogs on YouTube here >> 

You’ll need to subscribe to my channel, to get notified of new vlog posts.

Ultimately, my question to you is, in this ever increasing video world, what are you doing to use video to help you grow your business? Leave a comment below and let us know! Do you like making videos or does the idea terrify you? Get involved in the conversation below.

I’d also LOVE to know what you think of my vlog, so if you can spare a minute leave a comment below and let me know.

Thank you for all of your amazing support and for making me feel like I can be completely vulnerable and open about my journey as an entrepreneur.

So much love,

Carrie xx

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