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How To Take Your Business To The Next Level With Laura Novak Meyer

One of the recurring thoughts I've always had as an entrepreneur is, "how can I take my business to the next level?"  I'm sure that comes as no surprise, because basically every single entrepreneur is thinking the exact same thing!

One of the recurring thoughts I’ve always had as an entrepreneur is, “how can I take my business to the next level?”  I’m sure that comes as no surprise, because basically every single entrepreneur is thinking the exact same thing!

We had the guts to start our businesses with the intention of making them a success! But that being said, figuring out how to upscale your business can be somewhat overwhelming, frustrating and confusing… however, there are a few really important things that you can do which will really help you to take your business to the next level.

Which leads me to introduce our expert this week, Laura Novak Meyer, founder of Little Nest Portraits, a million dollar boutique photographic studios brand which she has franchised and grown to a team of 25 people. Laura took that leap when she wanted to upscale her business and she shares her top tips to help you do the same.

In this masterclass Laura shares:

  • How important it is to be and build confidence
  • Why getting competent in various areas is really going to help
  • The wonders of being social
  • + lots more!

Have a watch below…

GIVEAWAY: Make sure you leave a comment below and let us know if you’re upscaling your business & any amazing tips that we might love and might help others, and be in with a chance of winning a 6 month pass to the Members’ Club!

about Laura

Laura Novak Meyer is the founder of Little Nest Portraits, a luxury boutique brand of photography studios specialising in family portraiture.

Visit her website here >>

Get Laura’s free guide on how she grew her business here >>

the Breakdown

Here’s a breakdown of what Laura shared in the video above…



Confidence often isn’t something that comes easily to a lot of people, especially when you’re upscaling your business. Breaking down the process into smaller pieces & quick wins is really going to help boost your confidence in the process. For example, when it comes to branching out and creating a franchise of your business, if you know absolutely nothing about franchising start by speaking to a lawyer who specialises in franchises. You could speak to multiple experts or consultants in order to help broaden your knowledge in that area, and doing this is really going to build your confidence as you make the progress that’s so crucial for expanding and upscaling.

If you’ve got so many things to do and a huge list of tasks you’re undertaking, it can feel really overwhelming, breaking them down is really going to make you feel more confident when you are achieving those goals, creating small victories and working your way through your list of tasks.



We don’t have all the answers and when it comes to scaling your business there are going to be so many areas that you’re not going to have much, or in some cases any, knowledge in. But the answers are out there, we just have to ask – whether that be learning new skills yourself and becoming more competent in those areas – or if you’re finding new team members to help you do it (you don’t have to be a wiz at every area of business)!



Leading on from tip number 2… this is why networking is so important, the aspect of socialising with other women and entrepreneurs can lead to so many new developments in our business, new connections and the opportunity to learn new things which will help us up level our business.

In turn, becoming more competent in the various areas of your business and actively networking & socialising with those others who will be able to help you out, is really going to lead you to become a more confident person.



When you’re upscaling your business and socialising in similar circles as other entrepreneurs who are in a similar situation, it can often feel really daunting if you compare yourself to others who might have a different approach to business than you. Thinking that big businesses are run in a particular way by a particular type of person just isn’t true, because ultimately we all create our businesses differently. Just because an approach works for one person doesn’t mean it will work for you, so you really have to stay true to who you are when you’re upscaling.

Ultimately, be your most confident and brilliant self in the pursuit of upscaling your business!

the giveaway

Comment to WIN a FREE 6 Month Members’ Club Pass 

One lucky winner will win a FREE 6 Month FEA Membership! This offer is open to current members too :)

To Be Entered to Win: Leave a comment below and let us know if you’re upscaling your business & any amazing tips that we might love and might help others!

See you next week for another 10-Minute Masterclass!

Carrie xx

P.S. If you’re not already a subscriber, sign up below so you don’t miss next week’s Masterclass!

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