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3 Amazing Tips To Get Started Writing A Book With Ally Machate

These tips are essential if you are thinking about writing your own book!

Writing a book to share your message, experiences and knowledge with the world can be an amazing journey and also a great asset to you & your business! But how do you find the right idea to write about, and then how do you turn that idea into a book that people will resonate with and want to buy? 

It can be a really daunting experience… one I can definitely relate to as I’m currently writing my book!! But it can take you to new heights, as we explore in this weeks 10 Minute Masterclass.

So, joining us this week is the amazing Ally Machate who took the time to share her incredible top tips that are essential if you are thinking about writing your own book!

In this masterclass Ally shares:

  • Choosing the right idea for your book (rather than trying to cover every topic)
  • How to take your business to the next step & grow your audience
  • The benefit of checking out your competition
  • + lots more!

Have a watch below…

GIVEAWAY: Make sure you leave a comment below and share with us if you’re planning to write a book or have already written one, and be in with a chance of winning a 6 month pass to the Members’ Club!

about Ally

Ally Machate is an expert publishing consultant helping others reach their publishing goals, including showing writers how to improve a manuscript, get an agent, or self-publish.

Visit her website here >>

the Breakdown

Here’s a breakdown of what Ally shared in the video above…



One of the common mistakes that new authors make when wanting to write their first book, is the temptation to fit all the information and knowledge they’ve acquired over the years into it, and almost ending up writing their life story as a business person. This doesn’t usually make for an effective book or a really good reading experience.

When you’re trying to think about the right idea for your book, you want to start with your business goals. When you’re writing a book that is integral to your business, you want to consider how that book will work for you as a tool. For example, if you’re looking to get more speaking engagements you would want to be writing a book that is in line with the topics you’re going to be speaking on. This can often then lead to people wanting to know more about you and your expertise, which will encourage them to buy your book to learn more information, which can then lead them to your website and other services you offer through your business.



Your book can really serve two main purposes in your business, it can help take you to the top as an expert in your industry, putting you on the map and getting you a bigger platform, get you more widely recognised and grow your business in your current area. Or you can use it strategically to help enter a new area of expertise and a new target audience.



It’s common when writing your first book to avoid reading any other books which might be on similar topics, or by authors who might be in the same field, as you might be concerned about being unduly influenced. Obviously you don’t want to unconsciously reiterate someone else’s idea, or pick up something that could later get you accused of plagiarism, and in most cases you probably just want to make sure that you’re writing a book which is original and your own content.

These worries are understandable but can be a big mistake, because when your target reader goes to a bookstore or online and they’re looking at your book, they’re likely to be looking at other books that are in the same category or address the same topics as yours. So you need to know why they are going to buy your book over anyone else’s book. It’s important to get familiar with the competition, so you know how best to position your book.

the challenge

Take the time to go out into the book world and research & explore what other people are writing about in your field.

the giveaway

Comment to WIN a FREE 6 Month Members’ Club Pass 

One lucky winner will win a FREE 6 Month FEA Membership! This offer is open to current members too :)

To Be Entered to Win: Leave a comment below sharing if you’re planning to write a book or have already written one – we’d love to know!

See you next week for another 10-Minute Masterclass!

Carrie xx

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