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3 Ways To Discover What Works For You With Racheal Cook

Stop working on your weaknesses and focus on what you naturally do best.

You’ve probably noticed that we live in an online world where there are so many people sharing different solutions for building a successful business (which is actually a really good thing, as it’s helped us entrepreneurs to build successful businesses), however, sometimes it can all get a bit too much…

It seems like there are so many people saying you need to do this and that and this, it can leave us all feeling a little frazzled and confused (hello shiny object syndrome!!)

If you ever feel like this then you’re going to LOVE the masterclass we have for you! We joined up with the amazing award winning business strategist, Racheal Cook and she shared 3 things you can do to uncover what works for you (so you don’t have to be wasting time feeling like you have to do everything).

In this masterclass Racheal shares:

  • Easy ways to find out what your best strengths are
  • What you should do in order to stay on track and grow your business
  • The importance of focusing on what works and making it better
  • + lots more!

As always, we have a worksheet to go along with the masterclass to help you take action on it all. Download it here >> 

(If you’re already a subscriber then we’ve sent this worksheet to you already.)

Now, check out the video below and learn the amazing tips Racheal shares to help create an amazing business…

GIVEAWAY: Make sure you leave a comment below and share with us what your top strengths are and be in with a chance of winning a 6 month pass to the Members’ Club!

about Racheal

Racheal Cook is an award-winning business strategist helping entrepreneurs to grow their dream business while living their dream life.

Visit her website here >>

Get Racheal’s quiz here >>

Watch the other masterclass we did with Racheal here >>

the Breakdown

Here’s a breakdown of what Racheal shared in the video above…



It is so important to focus on your strengths rather than your weaknesses. Though we’re often lead to believe we should be well rounded and work on the areas that we aren’t so great at, we can only increase how good we are at our weaknesses by a small amount, whereas working on your strengths you can exponentially increase how good you are at them. Knowing what your strengths are gives you that edge and distinction from others who might be doing similar work to you in your industry.

If you’re unsure what your strengths are, try asking other people who know you what your strengths are. Often we may struggle to tell what our strengths are because more often than not they aren’t as obvious to us since they come quite easily. Or why not do some assessments like the Strengths Finder, an intense test of about 180 questions that will help shed light on what your strengths are.



It’s so easy to look out into the world and compare ourselves to others, what they’re doing, the way they’re doing their business, what new social media platform they are using. We end up stressing about things that others are doing because we aren’t, and get this overriding fear that we’re missing out, so we should be doing it too.

If we can stay focussed on what our strengths are and concentrate on them, our results are going to be far greater especially if we avoid getting pulled off in lots of different directions. This can be particularly important if you’re in a growth period of your business, to avoid the temptation to see what everyone else is doing, rather than just focussing on being the best you can be and sticking to your strengths.

Don’t get distracted by what others are doing or constantly wanting to learn more because you have a fear that you’ll miss out otherwise. Focus on what you’re doing and stay on track.



When people in business have amazing results – whether that be with a webinar, the launch of a service or even and amazing list builder – rather than working on what was amazing for them and making it even better, often entrepreneurs think “ooh next I might try doing a 3 part video series or a challenge” and they venture off on to something else, instead of taking what already worked and doing it again and again, improving each time.

If it worked for you the first time, it means that it is in your skill set, so it’s worth focussing on it and making it even better!

the challenge

I want you to take action on figuring out what your strengths truly are! Like Racheal suggested in the video, take the time to ask people what your strengths are and then come and share what you learn over in the Facebook group and remember to leave a comment below!

the giveaway

Comment to WIN a FREE 6 Month Members’ Club Pass 

One lucky winner will win a FREE 6 Month FEA Membership! This offer is open to current members too :)

To Be Entered to Win: Leave a comment below sharing what your best strengths are!

See you next week for another 10-Minute Masterclass!

Carrie xx

P.S. If you’re not already a subscriber, sign up below so you don’t miss next week’s Masterclass!

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