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How to create powerful case studies

How to Create Powerful Stories.

Have you ever heard someone telling a story about how a product or service had an impact on them and then you desperately wanted to buy the product or service too?

The other day this happened to me…

I came across a video where a woman was talking about how she used to have really bad skin, but then after using a particular product her skin completely cleared up – I saw before and after pictures, heard all about her emotional journey and how transformed her life now was. As someone who’s suffered from bad skin, I could feel myself being sucked in, I started thinking, “wow, her skin looks amazing, I want to try it too!”

This is the power of story marketing. 

How can we create these stories for our own businesses? By doing case studies with our customers and turning them into inspiring, captivating, compelling stories that will resonate with our audience.

How do you create an amazing case study? Well that’s what Becs Miller, founder of Write & Reach, is sharing in this week’s 10-Minute Masterclass :)

In this Masterclass you will learn:

  1. How to choose clients that will rave about your work
  2. How to build rapport and make your client feel comfortable
  3. How to turn your case study into an interesting story


Download the free worksheet to go along with this video, to help you take action and create your case studies here >>


+ read below for details of a giveaway we’ve got going on :)

If you want to learn more about creating powerful Case Studies, then definitely check out Bec’s free guide here >>

Becs Miller is founder of Write & Reach, working with inspirational entrepreneurs around the world to help them promote their business in a way that feels easy, creative and fun!  Having spent 15 years marketing both UK based and international charities, she took the leap and started her own business in 2013. Her signature course, The Publicity Program™ launches later this year where she will be teaching her tried and tested techniques to get your business featured in top magazines and blogs. Becs is passionate about helping entrepreneurs build the business of their dreams, and is on a quest to inspire creativity in everything we do.




      Whilst it’s important to choose clients who will rave about you and your work, you should also think about which aspects of your business you want to highlight with the case study. Approach clients who have interesting back-stories and have been on a journey as a result of working with you – this makes for a compelling read and will be gold for editors and journalists.

Interview face-to-face or over Skype if you can – it’s a great way to build up a rapport and make your client feel comfortable, and the conversation is more likely to flow. Ask open ended questions which will help you get as much information as possible, and remember to ask them how they felt before working with you, as well as the impact working with you has had on their life or business.


      Think of your write-up in 3 sections, creating an interesting story that will resonate with your readers. Start by describing where your client was before they started work with you, explaining the impact of their problem and how this made them feel. In the middle section, talk about the journey they went on whilst working with you – what did they learn and how did they change as a result? The final section should be a celebration of the progress your client has made. Talk about where they are now, and highlight the transformation which has occurred.
    Write in the third person (she, they) and intersperse the prose with key soundbites in your clients own words. It’s also great to end on a really inspiring quote from them, emphasising all the great work you have done.
    So there you have it… a simple way to create powerful stories to really showcase your amazing products or services!

:: SPECIAL GIVEAWAY: Comment to WIN a FREE 6 Month Members’ Club Pass 

We are so excited about opening up the Members’ Club again in the coming weeks that we have decided to do a giveaway for a FREE 6 Month FEA Membership each week until we open the doors! This offer is open to current members too! :)

To Be Entered to Win: Leave a comment below and let us know whether you’re going to start testing out using case studies or any tips or experience you have of creating them already.

Winners will be drawn every Friday!

See you next week for another 10-Minute Masterclass!

Carrie xx

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