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4 Things To Try To Become An Expert In Other People’s Facebook Groups


4 Things to Try to Become an Expert in Other People's Facebook Groups.

I’m going to take a stab in the dark and say that you’re part of a Facebook group…

Am I right?

I think I probably am, because who isn’t in a Facebook group these days?!

They’re fast becoming one of the best ways to build relationships with like-minded people AND our target audience (amazing!!).

And people are starting to use them to grow their own audience and business, in fact I know of quite a few people who have used Facebook groups to propel themselves to expert status and build an email list of thousands.

So as this is such a hot topic I thought it would be good to create a 10 Minute Masterclass all about how you can use Facebook groups to become a widely known (and loved) expert, grow your audience and build your business.

In this masterclass I was joined by the lovely Jordana Jaffe, she teaches entrepreneurs how to use Facebook groups for their business over at (definitely check it out, she has so many great tips!). In this class she shares:

  • A formula to help you share what you do inside of Facebook groups in a really succinct way.
  • How to stand out in a Facebook group and get people to want to find out more about you.
  • How to engage with the rest of the community while showcasing your expertise.
  • A great way to showcase your genius and share value with the rest of the people in the group.

I hope you enjoy it!

+ OPPORTUNITY: leave a comment below and share your own Facebook group if you have one, along with a short sentence letting us know what it’s about and if you don’t have your own Facebook group yet, leave a comment and let us know your favourite Facebook group, so others can join! 


Jordana Jaffe teaches women entrepreneurs who are introverts or homebodies how to create their own super engaged Facebook group and successfully participate in other groups so that they can grow their online community + get clients while staying at home in their cozy PJs.

Find out more about Jordana’s Community Love Fest here >>

Jordan’s Guide to Creating a Facebook Group Filled with Thousands of Ideal Clients Here >>

 Website Here >>




You must be super clear about what you do. Know what your one-liner is – I help X who struggle with Y achieve Z {x = ideal client, y = urgent struggle, z = results they get from working with you}. People won’t buy from you unless they’re super clear about what it is you do and how you can help them. How do you know if your one-liner is clear enough? It has to be so clear that a 5 year old understands what you’re saying. If they don’t understand, let them ask you questions until they do and then use the words you use to explain it to them to explain it to your community moving forward.



Lots of groups don’t allow blatant promotions, but practically all of them welcome your tips. Share juicy tips that will genuinely help people. They will start remembering you as that person that gives such awesome information when it comes to your area of expertise.



This is a great opportunity for you to engage with the rest of the community while showcasing your expertise. You will position yourself as an engaged, generous and present participant of the community and people will begin to see you as the go-to expert when it comes to your field of knowledge.



Most groups allow for you to post “Ask Me Anything” offers. This is when you give the people in a Facebook group a set amount of time to ask you anything and everything around your area of expertise. Again, this is an amazing opportunity for you to showcase your genius and share value with the rest of the people in the group.

I hope you’ve found this master class helpful, be sure to leave a comment below and share your own Facebook group if you have one, along with a short sentence letting us know what it’s about and if you don’t have your own Facebook group yet, leave a comment and let us know your favourite Facebook group, so others can join! 

See you next week!

Carrie xx

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