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3 Ways To Reconnect With Yourself + Free Sourcing Meditation

3 Ways to Reconnect with Yourself + Free Sourcing Meditation

Have you ever had that inner feeling where you know there’s something bigger you’re meant to do but aren’t sure what it is or you just feel like you often end up getting in your own way?  We all have felt that at one time or another, and in this week’s 10 minute masterclass, author, teacher and light worker, Rebecca Campbell will share with us what steps you can take to best tune in with yourself so you can get out of your own way, be your true self, and start living the life you want to.

In this masterclass you will learn:

  • What you can do on a daily basis to connect with and amplify your soul’s calling
  • How letting go of your attachment to the outcome of an undertaking will actually remove any blocks you have around making it happen
  • A powerful technique you can use to help you make choices in your business and life that will ensure you are following what lights you up

GIVEAWAY: Leave a comment below and let us know what lights you up to be in with a chance of winning a copy of Rebecca’s book, Light is the New Black. 


Rebecca Campbell is a best selling author, inspirational motivational speaker, spiritual teacher, grounded spiritual mentor and practical intuitive guide. Through her book Light Is The New Black, working with clients, her powerful meditations and teaching she has guided thousands of women to listen to the callings of their soul, work their light and create a life that is completely aligned to them.

Rebecca teaches internationally and is passionate about helping people connect with their intuition and follow what lights them up in order to live wonderful lives both personally and professionally. She believes that when we follow what lights us up and courageously share that with the world, we light up the world with our presence. In 2015 she was awarded the ‘Promising New Talent’ award by the Mind Body Spirit Festival in London.

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Your soul is always calling and often there is so much going on in life that we can’t hear the clarity within us.  Your intuitive gift is like a muscle, you have to practice in order to strengthen it.  If you want to hear the call of your soul, you have to sit down and listen and the easiest way to do this is to commit to a daily spiritual practice.



It sounds really obvious but it’s about getting back in to feminine energy of mother Earth and getting grounded.  Nature helps connect us to the greater force of the Universe and inspires us.  When we are in a place of inspiration, we are ‘in-spirit’ and that’s when we can really tap into our greatest gifts.



When you are lead by the things that light you up, and sit in that energy of being inspired, thats when everything falls into place and up-levels. If you are unsure about what lights you up, it may help you to sit down and tune into the feeling/vibration of doing something you are considering and see if it makes you feel like you are expanding versus contracting.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this 10 minute Masterclass don’t forget to leave a comment sharing whether you’ve ever had that inner feeling you know there’s something bigger for you to do, or if you ever felt like you get in your own way and which of Rebecca’s tips will you try – we’ll be picking someone to win a copy of Light Is The New Black!

See you next week!

Carrie xx

P.S. next week we’re going to be joined by the amazing Nikki Elledge Brown who will be sharing how you can bring your own style into your copy! Sign up below so you don’t miss it!

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