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5 Things To Try This Month // July

5 Things to Try This Month - July

I love trying out new things and seeing what’s possible, so this month I wanted to share with you 5 things to try that have helped me or that have been really fun to try…



I love Periscope, the new social media platform, where you can broadcast live! It’s fun and a great way for your audience to get to know you more. So give it a try. Download the app for free and start broadcasting, I promise you it’s fun and it’s early days for Periscope, so start now and build your followers while you can get more exposure :)

Come & say hello to me over at @featweets.



It’s always good to do a marketing review, so that you can make sure you’re on track. So here are some questions to help you…

1) What  marketing activities have you been doing over the past few months?

2) What’s not been getting you the results you want?

3) What has been working well and getting you great results?

4) If you’re being totally honest with yourself, have you been doing enough to put your business out there? If not, why?

5) What else could you test out this month to help you get the results you want?



I love collaborating with people, it’s firstly an amazing way to build great relationships and secondly it’s a great way to expand your reach and offer more value to your audience.

So who could you reach out to and collaborate with this month?

Maybe you could do an online workshop together or a hangout? If you sell products, who would be a good collaboration for you?



As entrepreneurs, we’re often putting ourselves last. So this month take some time for you, seriously. Schedule in time for doing things you LOVE. Maybe time for reading? Going to a spa? Whatever lights you up and makes you feel good.



I remember once reading a quote which said, “the key to success is to not be afraid”.

So be fearless this month. To help you with this, here are some questions to ask yourself:

1) If you’re being totally honest with yourself, do you have any fears holding you back at the moment?

2) If so, what are they? Write them down.

3) If these fears came true, would you get through it?

4) What can you do to overcome these fears?

Make a commitment to yourself to be fearless. This is your life, make it spectacular and don’t let your fears hold you back.

Be fearless!


How many of these things are you going to try this month? Leave a comment and let us know!

Have a wonderful month!

Carrie xx

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