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How to Have an Extraordinary Life // Motivational Monday

How to Have an Extraordinary Life

I love these Motivational Monday videos. I feel as though tiny yet significant shifts in direction occur within us when we listen to audios like this. At the end of a mere 5 minute video, we can end up setting a better sail and charting a better course for ourselves. As Jim Rohn says, one tiny change in direction can COMPLETELY change your destination.

That is a success principle worth pondering over all day! What one tiny change can you make within yourself, your habits, your routines in order to get more intentional about the life and destination you’re creating? Where could you be 5 years from now if you stuck to it?

I hope you give it some thought and make a shift this week that has the potential to change everything for you in a beautiful, powerful way!


Michelle Rohr

MICHELLE ROHR // Secret OWL Society

Michelle enjoys blogging, anything related to personal development, making printables, and being a part of the FEA community.

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