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4 Tips For Selling Your Expertise Online Successfully

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4 tips for selling your expertise online

If you sell your expertise in some way (via an online/offline course or digital product) or are planning to, then this post is a must read!

I remember when I was first starting out creating digital courses and products – I had no idea what the best way to share my knowledge was… so I just kind of took a stab in the dark and hoped that people would find value in what I’d created.

I didn’t know whether I should be creating videos, ebooks or workbooks and worst of all I got started by thinking about what I wanted to create… not what my audience wanted me to create.

Big mistake, but so easy to make!

I think for any of us selling our expertise it can be a bit of a maze – navigating your way through and figuring out what the best way to do things is can be somewhat challenging, so I thought it would be amazing to bring someone onto the show who knows a thing or two about how to do it right!

Breanne Dyck is someone I wish I’d know about when I was getting started. She works with business owners from around the world, helping them create and sell world-class eCourses and learning experiences and in this week’s video she shared some essential ingredients for turning your knowledge into an amazing course.

What you’re going to learn from this video:

  • The number 1 thing you must do when creating content for your course or product + the mistake to avoid!
  • Why interaction leads to customer satisfaction and some ideas for how you can do this effectively.
  • Why you don’t have to work your socks off to create multiple versions of your course or product in different ways (video, MP3, text etc.).
  • And finally… the secret ingredient to creating something that your audience will be so excited to buy!




On the content myth

On learning styles

On having a learner-centered mindset:

Teaching mindsets

Perfect participants


1 circlueThe Myth: ‘Great courses are built on great content’.

The Truth: Great courses are built on great activities. A course will be more successful and more effective (not to mention, easier to create!) if you focus on providing actionable activities, rather than a huge amount of content.

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The Myth: ‘Student satisfaction is based on the quality of your course material’.

The Truth: Instructor interaction and your customers’ tech-savviness are just as important as the content.

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The Myth: ‘You need to incorporate / address different learning styles’.

The Truth: while we may have preferences for how we LIKE to learn, it makes absolutely no difference to how WELL we learn.

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The Myth: ‘People care what you want to teach’.

The Truth: Adult learners are intrinsically motivated, and are incredibly self-directed. This means that you need to focus on what they want to LEARN, not what you want to TEACH.


If you sell your expertise I hope that this video helped you! Leave a comment below and share what you teach and any tips you’ve picked up that have helped you with creating your course/product!

See you next week!

Carrie xx

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