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5 Steps To Help You Create A Winning Marketing Plan

5 Steps To Help You Create A Winning Marketing Plan

Before I begin, I must start with the “why.” After all, that is the most essential piece for every single business! So I’m sure you are asking, “Well, ‘why’ is a marketing plan important?” And here is the “why” behind it:

How can you know where you are going if you don’t know where you have been? The days I have a plan in place, I feel like I can take on the world! The days I don’t, I am running around like a crazy woman, I get easily distracted, and get to the end of the day feeling like I didn’t get one thing accomplished! Do you ever feel like that? Like you aren’t sure which direction to go in? Or how to even get started? I totally get that and often times it is because you don’t have a plan in place that is right for your business!

Well I’m sure you are asking, how do I create one? And I am so excited to share 5 key tips to help you create a winning marketing plan!

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It all starts with your “Why.” This is essential. You must ask yourself, “Why am I in business?” This must stay at the forefront of your mind each and every day. If the products you create or new program aren’t in-line with your “why,” you will feel like something is not right! Your plan must be in-line with your “why.”

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You must establish your “who.” Many people think they have their “who” set, but ask yourself: “Am I getting specific enough?” You should get nitty gritty here. Ask yourself: “Where do they shop? What they do for fun? Where do they exercise? How much do they make? Male or female?” It is super important to get very specific so that you know who you are talking to.

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Next up – your “where.” You need to figure out where your “who” is hanging out, and how the heck you are going to find them! This is why getting very specific is so essential. It is a lot easier to find your person when you know a lot about them. And you need your “where” so you know what to include in your plan.

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When you begin to create your marketing plan, everything must be in-line with your “why” your “who” and your “where.” I suggest creating filters for yourself so that you can always double check. When something isn’t in-line with your “why,” or your “who” or “where,” you can feel it! It is hard to share a new program or service if you aren’t passionate about it right? Well that is why it is so essential to have your checklist so you can create a marketing plan specifically for your business!

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You must distract your FOMO. That’s right, the fear of missing out may try to creep in your way. You may think my competitors are doing this, so I should do it too! When you create your marketing plan, you must tell FOMO to take a back seat. You need to create a plan specific to your business and focus. Focus is key, don’t try to take on the world, just a few big goals that are in-line with your “w’s.” I like to break it up 90-days at a time so that it is manageable and so that I see results!



Ok, I had to throw a bonus in! Once you establish your foundational pieces – your “Why,” “Who,” and “Where,” next comes in the “what.” What are you going to do? Well I love to break it down into pieces to make it easy! Online marketing (anything in cyberspace), in-house marketing (any red-tape items that just need to get done), and Community (this would include and partnerships, events, anything you are doing to get outside of your business). From there I try to focus on 1-3 big goals in these areas (keep in mind this is over 90-days). Again, do what you feel you can accomplish! Then simply break down everything that you need to do to achieve those goals and give yourself deadlines!

And then… you have a plan! Print it, post it, make sure to make it pretty so you love looking at it! This should be your go to guide for you business. If it doesn’t fit into the plan for the 90-days? Sideline it, create an idea doc where you can put all your ideas until you are ready for them!



Lindsey is the co-founder of, a virtual marketing coaching company. She comes from over 13 years of marketing experience in all different industries (including fitness, restaurant, retail and much more)! She loves strategizing, helping entrepreneurs make the impossible to seem possible, and helping people find their inner-gift and share it with the world. You can find Lindsey on FacebookInstagram, Twitter.

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