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3 steps to turning your course idea into a truly memorable customer experience

Have you ever wanted to create a course or a program, and in your head it’s this brilliant, amazing course that you know people will love, but then whenever you try to put pen to paper and start writing it all out, it just looses its edge?

I think this happens to so many people.

Often what’s rolling around in our head, it’s easily some of our best creative work, but trying to communicate that and get it out of our heads can be incredibly challenging.

So if you’re thinking, “yes, that’s me and I reallllyyyy want to get my course out of my head and create it” then watch this video we did with Karen Sergeant, who helps small business owners create exceptional, head-turning courses that delight their customers & grow their bottom lines. She shares 3 steps you can take to turning your course idea into a truly memorable customer experience…



:: Karen’s Website ::

:: Free Launch Ready Checklist ::


Here’s a brief overview of what Karen shares – for more detail on all of these points watch the video above or listen to the podcast.

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First the reason for the disconnect: when courses come out on paper, they almost always turn into a List o’ Topics I Can Talk About. What’s missing? The focus on performance.

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Think about bridging the gap between current performance & better performance. It’s almost certain that that is NOT solved by an info dump.

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Aggressively define the problem (that’s a Seth Godin’ism) of the barrier to performance. Why aren’t your customers performing better at this set of tasks?

If you spend the time to sink into your customer’s mindset and uncover the true barriers to better performance, you will create a blockbuster course.


Do you have an idea for a course you’ve got locked up inside your head, but haven’t done anything with yet? If so, leave a comment below and tell us about it to help you become more accountable to making it happen.

I hope this week’s episode helped you! See you next week for more inspiration & tips!

If there’s anything in particular you’d like me to cover in a weekly video email me and let me know:

Carrie xx

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