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5 Things to Try this Month // August

5 things

Sometimes doing a few things a little differently or a little better can make a huge different in the long run. Here are 5 things to help you sprinkle a little magic on your business this month.



Once a week, get out of your house and go somewhere where you can get quiet and see where you’re at with your goals, your life, and your overall well-being. Escape to a coffee shop, a park bench, the beach – a place where you can enjoy a change of scenery and indulge in some thinking time. Bring along your planner, your journal, a personal development book. Whatever gets you in the zone. If you’re not used to taking time for yourself like this, then think of it as an appointment. Schedule the time and place into your calendar. Remember that you are worth whatever amount of time that you can invest in YOU.



Pick one thing that you are going to simplify in your life or business. Are your files crying out for organization? Is your desk so cluttered that you feel bogged down by it? Does your morning routine help you launch into your day or make you feel defeated before you even get going? Do you need to narrow down the number of apps and tools that you use to run your business? Just pick one thing and find a way to organize, minimize, or systemize it until you know you’ve made it as simple as it could possibly be. You’ll be surprised at how much momentum you’ll receive to tackle the next thing.



Get your mastermind group together and have a fun little dinner party where everyone has to bring a dish that they’ve always wanted to make but never got around to it before. Watch some inspiring YouTube videos of talks by people like Les Brown or Jim Rohn – whoever inspires you. Take notes, chat, share dreams and ideas. I’ve done this with my mastermind group and it’s so much fun that everyone begs to have this get together once a month at least! If you’re not part of a mastermind group, then just invite some friends who are like-minded, motivated, and love to learn new things. Who knows, it might be the beginning of a brand new mastermind group.



We all know that it is easier and less expensive to keep clients happy than to constantly have to replace lost clients with new ones. Keeping clients happy and engaged is what helps our entrepreneurial world go round. Plus it feels really awesome giving value to other people in a way that keeps them coming back. Send some gratitude their way with a hand written thank you card. Have fun with this. Buy some nice stationary, put extra thought into your note. Maybe you have so many customers that it would be too challenging to do this for every one. In that case, just pick a few who you really appreciate serving. Customers almost never experience this level of personal gratitude. What a great way to build an even deeper relationship with them!



Entrepreneurs have a unique spirit about them. By choosing to be an entrepreneur, we’ve decided to write our own script and be the hero of our own story. When we get to the end of our day and check off every task on our To Do list, it can feel as though we’ve just conquered a dragon. Victory! But sometimes, there are days when it feels like we haven’t been able to make any progress at all and the dragon has conquered us.

For this reason, I recommend writing an “I did it” list at the end of every day. Record everything that you actually did achieve that day – whether or not it was on your To Do list. I find that so often I get to the end of my day feeling like I should have made more progress on my never-ending list of things to do, but when I take the time to actually reflect on all the things I actually did get done, I’m amazed. Every day, so many little opportunities, connections, and achievements can happen – things we couldn’t have possibly planned “to get done.” When you take the time to look for these things, you realize just how much life is working for your good. It’s an awesome way to end the day on a positive note.

So, do any of these tips resonate with you? Leave a comment and let us know which tip you are most excited to try!

Michelle Bio

Michelle can be found at her personal development blog: The Secret OWL Society

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