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4 Steps To Writing An Amazing Sales Page That Converts

Creating amazing sales copy for your sales page is something that a lot of entrepreneurs struggle with…myself included.

I have tried to write sales copy in the past that’s ended up being a load of tosh! Here’s where I was going wrong:

  1. I had no idea where to even begin with it all! I didn’t know the structure/formula to follow and so from the get-go felt confused!
  2. I wasn’t clear on who specifically I was writing it before, this just added to my confusion.

No wonder what I was creating was rubbish and didn’t generate any sales!

However, thankfully there is a proven formula when it comes to writing powerful sales copy – a formula every single one of us can follow and see incredible results from.

So in the video below I was joined by Amy Chick, branding & copywriting extraordinaire, who shared her 4-step process for writing an amazing sales page…


:: Amy Chick’s website ::

:: How to create an amazing ‘about’ page ::

:: How to get to know your ideal clients on a more personal level ::



Get clear about who your perfect customer is and then at the beginning of your sales copy talk about where they are now – current pain/problem, how they are handling it, how they’ve tried to fix it.


Then talk about their ideal outcome – where they hope to be.


After that you want to talk about your solution – what their life could look like after working with you/using your product.


Finally you want to create exclusivity – filter out the readers who aren’t ideal for your product/service, and pull in those who are, so they feel a strong attachment. Do this by stating who your product/service is for and who it isn’t for.


Did you find this helpful? Do you have any questions about this or any experiences you’d like to share? Leave a comment below and let us know!

See you next week!

Carrie xx

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