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3 Things You Can Learn from the Music Industry About Launching


For the last 15 years, I’ve worked as an independent musician, touring the world and launching records.  As a music industry insider, I learned that musicians are masters at building buzz and launching – even your favorite local cover band.

Whether you’re launching a startup, a podcast or your next online course, here’s a few music industry tips:

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Musicians are beta testing experts.

At live shows, bands play new songs to test them out with the audience. As they perform, the musicians track audience engagement. They take note of how the fans react during the set and if any fans asked for a particular song on recording at the merch table. This feedback often helps them decide on the direction for their next album.

Some bands use fan interaction to vote on what songs land on the record. When the album is ready, they will send it again to a few key people for feedback before it is officially released.

Lesson: Feedback provides powerful clues. As an entrepreneur, how can you ask your customers for feedback? How engaged are your customers with your current marketing efforts? What’s working and what’s not?

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Musicians always have a street team – a group of fans who champion promoting their favourite group. Street teams take care of grassroots marketing by hanging posters, trying to convince the local radio station to play the band and inviting their friends to shows. In exchange, these super fans get backstage access and other perks.

When a new album is launching, musicians mobilize their street team to help with word of mouth marketing and support in order to have an even stronger launch.

Lesson: Your business needs a street team. Next time you are preparing to launch, sit down and map out who can help you make your launch a success. When it is time, you’ll want to reach out and ask for help while making it easy for them to spread the word.

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It’s easy to find many sources of information about the “right” things to do when it comes to launching. Many experts will claim that their way is the best way. A successful musician and business owner will learn from those experts and then decide to break the rules.

Beyonce’s last release didn’t follow any of the rules. Instead of releasing one single at a time, she dropped the entire record, creating massive sales and buzz in the process.

Lesson: To get noticed, you need to take risks, be bold and not follow the same launch formula as everyone else. Do what works best for you and in tune with your natural skills and talents. By breaking the rules, you never know what will happen.

Your Turn

Which of these three music industry insights can you put to use in your business? Do you need more customer feedback?  I’d love to hear which of the 3 tips above have worked in the past for you in the comments below.



Farideh Ceaser is a musician turned launch strategist. After 15 years on the road touring as a musician, Farideh switched gears and now helps entrepreneurs launch their big ideas and online courses. She regularly delivers her wisdom in the form of a ukelele and a song on Grab your copy of Farideh’s free 30-Day Launch Checklist & Calendar at

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