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How To Measure Your Success

Gabrielle Bernstein: measure your success

Each New Year’s Eve I practice a ritual of writing down my intentions for the year to come. For the past two years I’ve made the intention to measure my success with how much fun I’m having. I came to this intention after living the opposite way and hitting bottom. For a while I was measuring my success based on my level of stress, but then I surrendered to the fact that true success must be based on happiness.

It’s easy to measure our success based on a dollar amount, a relationship status, or a job credential. But what I’ve learned is that nothing outside of us can make us feel truly happy. Happiness is an inside job. We can take pleasure in life’s successes but we must focus on the greatest success of all: living a fun, fulfilling life.

It’s our job to find the fun in everything. Some of the happiest people I know have the innate ability to find joy in the most joyless scenarios. Gurmukh, my Kundalini teacher whom I mentioned earlier, is a fantastic example. At 70 she exudes the innocence of a little girl, finding joy in everything and everyone. Her life is filled with joy re­gardless of her given circumstances.

What I’ve learned from Gurmukh is that her joyful state is a conscious choice. Even though she is a dedi­cated yogi she still has to commit to peace every single

day. Maintaining a sense of joy is a moment-to-moment commitment. The energy of the world around us can take us out in an instant. Our job is to stay in the flow with joy.

To apply this principle in your own life, begin by mak­ing a commitment. Post this affirmation on your desk, mirror, car dashboard, or wherever you can see it often: I measure my success by how much fun I’m having. For the next 40 days, begin the day with this affirmation. Make the conscious commitment to choose joy upon waking. Throughout the day, consciously look for joy in all situ­ations. Taste your food, feel the blessing of a smile from a stranger, become more curious about your surround­ings. Establishing this new habit will greatly benefit your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

You can start now by finding fun in each exercise of Miracles Now! Oftentimes people view personal growth work as a chore. Rather than make it difficult, make it joy­ous. When creating life changes we must exert more than just willpower—we must find joy in our transformation. Practice this principle all the time and you will live in joy.

Message #46 Miracles Now

Excerpt from Miracles Now, by Gabrielle Bernstein


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Featured in the New York Times Sunday Styles section as ‘a new  role model’, speaker, and author Gabrielle Bernstein is making her mark.  Expanding the lexicon for the next-generation spiritual seekers,  Gabrielle is a #1 bestselling author of the book Add More ~ing to Your Life: A hip guide to happiness. Gabrielle recently launched her second book, Spirit Junkie: A Radical Road to Self-Love and Miracles. Gabrielle is also the founder of the social networking site for women to inspire, empower and connect. 

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