The Blog

3 ways to get your content seen & heard online

I have a question for you:

On a scale of 1 to 10 how effective would you say your marketing is right now?

(1 being not effective at all and 10 being it’s phenomenal, everything is really effective!)

For a lot of entrepreneurs they would probably rank their marketing effectiveness below 5. I think one of the biggest reasons for this is that the business world is actually a very crowded place. New websites and blogs pop up all the time and everyone’s social media newsfeeds are getting jammed up with sooo much content, it’s hard to get seen and heard!

I know I’ve felt like I’m drowning in content before and there have been times where I’ve felt so frustrated because I could’t seem to get what I was creating out there to people in the way I wanted – in an effective way.

So if you ever feel like this then watch this week’s episode, where Jules Taggart, the founder of Amp & Pivot shares 3 powerful tips for getting seen and heard online (check out the links below to some of the resources she talked about)…

I love what Jules said about use getting picky with our audience, “we get so caught up in thinking ‘who’s going to choose me’ that it’s actually rare for us to say ‘who am I going to choose’.”


So how would you rank your marketing effectiveness? Is it something you struggle with? I’d love to hear what you think – leave a comment below and share your thoughts.

See you next week!

Carrie x

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