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Get What You Want // Motivation Monday

Ted Talks are great. So many inspiring stories come from them and they all seem to have an unconventional way of getting their point across.

This weeks Motivation Monday video comes from TedxSF featuring Mel Robbins. Now, Mel is an Ivy league educated lawyer and entrepreneur with some serious sass. She published her first book titled “Stop Saying You’re Fine – The No B.S. Guide To Getting What  You Want,” which is what this clip is based on.

What will you take away from this video?

First of all, you will learn that getting what you want is simple; but not easy.

You will learn that saying that you are fine, is preventing you from getting what you want. You will learn that if you listen to your feelings you will never get what you want because you will never feel like doing anything about it.

So how do you get what you want? Force yourself out of your head, past your feelings and marry that genius idea you just thought of, with a little activation energy.

Moral of the story here: We can all get what we want. Let’s make it happen!

Force Yourself To Be Uncomfortable

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