The Blog

Kick-Start the Year Mastermind

The Kick-Start the Year Mastermind will be taking place from this page, live on the 15th January at 10am PST/1pm EST/6pm GMT.

We’ll be discussing more strategies and tips to help you make this year amazing, so make sure you join us for it.

We have some wonderful people joining us on this mastermind…


Ashlee Thurlow is an entrepreneur & Simple Business Expert & Coach. She is on a mission to create 1000 women entrepreneurs in 2014! Women business owners who keep things simple, focused on what matters most to them & their clients and are free of complicated ‘advice’ and overwhelm.  We’re creating businesses that spark amazing lives! Join Ashlee at FacebookTwitter and get the free toolkit here.


Tamara creates organizational and productivity templates for home-based business owners through her website Valuing the process of putting pen to paper and tired of blank notebooks and lost word documents, Your Pretty Pages was born.


This mastermind session is also a chance for you to get your questions answered – we are all here to help, so ask away! Use the comment section below to get involved and ask your questions.

See you soon!

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