The Blog

Success Challenge

This month’s challenge is all about programming your mind for success – doing the things you know you should do (like setting goals, getting clear on what’s holding you back, visualising what you want, getting into the success mindset), but so often life gets in the way and we forget to do these things. We end up putting them off for another day.

Well this month all that stops. For the next 30 days your mission is to immerse yourself in getting conditioned for success. Make sure you download this month’s Bundle of Business Love, where you will find the success guide, workbook, guided visualisation and more and get stuck in!

Once you’ve started, make sure you use the Success Group to share you experiences and challenges.

We’d also love to hear how you’ve been getting on with the Success Challenge.

What’s helped you the most?

Have you had any breakthroughs?

Have you achieved something wonderful?

Pop your comments in the box below so we can share with the other members and celebrate with you.

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