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5 Things to Try This Month

Get organised!1Write your game plan.

So many of us end up drifting, because we don’t have a game plan for how we’re going to achieve our goals. Spend some time focusing on what you want to have achieved in 3 months time and then work backwards and plan how you’re going to do it and the actions you need to take every week to make it happen. This might seem like a time consuming task, but it’s so worth it. If you fail to plan then you’re really planning to fail!


Do something special.

Tis’ the season to be merry & give! So make the most of the opportunity to do something special for your customers, your audience, your team and yourself! Whether it’s sending out cards or sending little gifts to people or creating a special present for your audience. Think of something you could do that would make people feel special.


Create your own Mastermind Group.

Reach out to 6-8 like-minded people, who would like to meet up once a month in 2014 – it could be dinner, lunch, or just a meet up – spend a few hours together talking about what you’ve been doing, the challenges you’ve faced, what you would like help or advice with. The aim is that you all support each other to achieve more. It’s a great way help each other to implement new goals, brainstorm new ideas and learn new things. You will also feel more accountable for achieving your goals and doing what you said you would do before the next meeting.


Get organised for 2014!

Being organised is essential in business. Something you could try this month is buying some cute storage boxes to organise your papers, invoices and receipts in your office. They will look pretty and help you to keep track of where all the important documents are.


Create a goal box.

Create a goal box and start setting your goals for next year. This is a where you can keep all the things you want to make happen or have. A picture of the car you want to drive, the house you’d like to live in, a list of magazines you want to get featured in or the number of fans you’d like on Facebook – whatever it is you want, print it out, get a picture and put it in the box. Believe that whatever goes in that box will come to you. Take the time to look through the things in your box regularly.

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