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How to charge what you’re worth & feel good about it

To skip to the steps on how to charge what you’re worth go to 3.45 minutes in on the video & 4.11 in on the podcast.
Do you ever feel like you’re not charging what you’re worth? Or do you feel uncomfortable and guilty when it comes to asking for money and find yourself lowering the price? Do you ever charge less, because you’re worried that if you charge more, no one will buy from you?

If so, you’re not alone. This is something that so many of us do, myself included! So many people start a business because they want to do something they love, make a difference and help other people and it’s as if somewhere inside of us we have this little voice that tells us that we shouldn’t be charging for this! We end up feeling so uncomfortable about charging what we’re worth.

But it doesn’t have to be this way! There is nothing wrong with charging for our products or services and we shouldn’t feel bad about it! If you ever do, this video will really help you.

Alexandra Watson, the UK’s leading success and happiness coach has helped lots of women overcome their struggle with charging what they’re worth. In this video she shares her top tips on how you can start charging what you’re worth and feeling good about it. To find out more about Alex check out her website here.


Have you ever struggled with charging what you’re worth? If so, what helped you to overcome it? Leave a comment below.

Carrie x

Image credit of illustration on featured imaged: Natalie Walstein


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