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Motivation Monday: What Successful People Do

This is a must watch video that will leave you feeling like you can do it! I loved watching it and I think you will too.

Here are some key messages:

  • Where focus goes, energy flows: focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want.
  • You can be anything if you just decided: who do you want to be? What kind of life do you want to live. You choose.
  • Don’t stop believing.
  • If people laugh at your ideas, work harder than ever to succeed and then see who’s laughing!
  • Don’t quit on yourself – the ones that make it are the ones who keep going, not matter how hard it gets.
  • Do what you love.
  • Running a business is not easy – it’s a full time commitment.
  • Every day you waste is a day you’ll never be able to get back.
  • Start right now.

You can do it!

Carrie x

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