The Blog

Mission For March: Set your sights high

So, this year has been flying by, I can’t believe it’s nearly March! It’s made me realise that I have to take big action, which is why I’ve set myself a massive goal to reach by the end of March… to get 50,000 women involved in the Female Entrepreneur Association! It’s a huge leap from 30,000 and I have to be honest, at first I thought I’d just set my sights on going for 40,000, it seemed more realistic. But just as Will Smith said in the Motivation Monday video,

“Being realistic is the most commonly travelled road to mediocrity.”

(click to tweet it)

Why is it that we’d rather shrink our dreams and be realistic than just go for it? I think two big reasons are that we’re afraid that we’ll fail and we let our perceived limitations hold us back and stop us from believing that we can actually do it.

Let’s put a stop to that in March! Let’s actually set our sights high and go for it! So, here’s my challenge for you:

  1. Set yourself a big goal, that’s going to push you (scary!)
  2. Tell people about it. This will help you to feel accountable for actually achieving it. I’ve created a form at the bottom for you to tell us about your goal. Putting it in writing and teling even just one other person can be really powerful.
  3. Ask others to help you. You don’t have to do it all alone, there a lots of people who would be willing to help you in some way. Reach out and ask.
Then go for it and believe that you will make it happen.

We want to help you…

If you would like us to spread the word to help you to reach your goal fill out the form below and send us a message for us to tweet out!

I’d love your help…

My big goal is to reach 50,000 women by the end of March and help to inspire and empower more women than ever before. If you enjoy the videos, the posts, the magazine and the quotes and you know other women who you think might enjoy it too, I would be so grateful if you could help me to spread the word by tell them about our Facebook fanpage, it’s where we post all of our content to. Here’ is a link to the page, if you could share it that would be amazing:

Here is a tweetable: An amazing fanpage for female entrepreneurs check it out #inspiration @featweets

Thank you SO much, I appreciate all of your support.

Carrie x


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